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Our Jurisdictional Prelate

VISIONARY, PASSIONATE, EDUCATED, FOCUSED, MAN OF INTEGRITY AND A MAN OF FAITH FULL OF THE HOLY GHOST . . . . The attributes of a God-chosen leader who is called, chosen, and faithful (REVELATIONS 7:14B).


Bishop James E Hornsby, Prelate of Texas Northeast First Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction was born a leader who leads with a true vision from God. He serves to promote, develop, and empower Christian leaders, congregations, and workers to impact communities and advance World Missions with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. One of the important tiers of his leadership is multi-generational that focuses to effectuate change to build God’s kingdom.


Bishop Hornsby has server in various capacities on all levels of the local, district, state, and national church. A noted intellectual on church protocol and pastoral, organizational, and strategic leadership, he is often requested to present in seminars and conferences across the country.


As third in succession, Bishop Hornsby serves as Prelate of Texas Northeast First Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction. In addition, he also serves the congregations of Cathedral of Faith Church Of God In Christ in Euless, Texas and Saintsville Sanctuary Church Of God In Christ in Dallas, Texas as pastor and shepherd.


God has blessed Bishop Hornsby to oversee the completion of the initial phase of a new $7.5 million dollar Cathedral of Faith Church of God in Christ edifice which when completed will exceed $10 million dollars. In the meantime, he has initiated and nearly completed a $2 million dollar renovation to the Jurisdictional Headquarters, Saintsville Church of God in Christ, including the parking lot which is currently in progress.


Bishop Hornsby is married to the lovely and anointed Lady Janis L. Hornsby. They are the parents of three children, who are highly educated, extremely talented, and an enormous help to the ministry. They are the proud grandparents of one beautiful granddaughter, and three handsome grandsons who energetically participate in the ministry as well.

Bishop James E. Hornsby

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EST. 2017

Cathedral District | 1913 W. E. Roberts St., Grand Prairie, TX 75051 | P. O. Box 610342, Dallas, TX 75261  |

United in hope . . . joined by faith

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